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Tag Archives: scent

I’ve always been someone sensitive to scent.  Cloying perfumes or pungent odors create that queasy feeling that seems to scream: flee from this smell!  I’m also a lover of flowers and floral scents.  Is there anything more uplifting than waking to the scent of gardenia or lilac?  One whiff and your whole outlook changes.

Thus, it comes as no surprise to me that recent studies find that certain scents produce not only psychological reactions but also physiological. Today, MSN ran a story (click on image for link) reviewing various international studies that highlight the effect of a variety of scents.  From pain and weight management to regulating anxiety and sleep, the introduction of certain scents has been documented to have a positive correlation with each ailment’s improvement.

So, the next time you are about to reach for an aspirin or Tylenol, instead try smelling a little lavender or peppermint.  Maybe you will be one of the lucky who sees a good result. And if it doesn’t work, well, at least you had a few seconds of a refreshing scent that is guaranteed to trigger a memory and bring a smile to your face.

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